Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Sicilian Scheveningen

Posted on 11:07 AM by Tof the O

The Sicilian Scheveningen (Gary Kasparov)
236 Pages
ISBN (10 pages):

The Scheveningen was the opening which catapulted Gary Kasparov to the World Championship in 1985 as the youngest ever champion. The dynamic 24th game from that match is one of the greatest chess battles of all time and Kasparov's great success with the Scheveningen in that game led to Karpov completely abandoning 1.e4 against him.

Kasparov has used the Scheveningen extensively throughout his career, introducing many new important ideas, and has developed a unique understanding for its subtleties, which is excellently communicated in this essential book.

This edition incorporates an additional section by Grandmaster Raymond Keene on Kasparov's important games, reflecting Kasparov's recent views on this popular opening.

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